Thursday, December 23, 2010
Such A Slacker... Merry Christmas, BTW.
And here it is:
This little baby has made it hard to even just do the regular household chores and the almost-3-year-old has me tired out by 8pm. Add that to working full time and you get no blog posts for a few months. The baby is due July 23rd. Hopefully I can squeeze in a few blog posts before then. :-)
As for the here and now, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wall Hangings - A Preview

I hope to have another entry soon about his finished room. The main thing holding up the "finishness" of it, is that I can't find curtains that I like for a decent price to save my life. So once that is done and I buy the things to hang up his art work, the room will be ready for showing off. So until then...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Just be patient, I'm a work in progress...
They did a wonderful job! (That long thin white thing that is resting against the wall with the closet is the molding that is on top of the blackboard portion of the wall.) That next Friday and Saturday (it needed two coats), Joe and I painted the blackboard paint. This is what that looked like before the molding was put on.
Oh my, what a sight! No carpet, painters tape around the edges and uneven paint job on the top of the blackboard, nothing on the walls, no curtains, no plate covers, no light switch cover. What a mess! Fortunately, everything was falling into place and even though it looks a mess, it's just a work in progress and we could finally see it taking shape.
That Sunday we put the molding on... with my dad's help. Then Monday the carpet people came bright and early to install that. Once the carpet was installed it really started to look like a bedroom. We moved his toy box up there a few days after and soon the other furniture followed. Plate covers and light switch covers were "installed", his dresser was fixed and moved in there and his bed was moved in there that next week. So now he's sleeping in there and he loves it, but I think when it's really completely done he'll love it even more.
We ended up buying one other thing for his wall. It's a wall plaque with his name on it. We are going to do that instead of putting up the train letters. However, you could say this wall plaque is special because of what's on it... BUT Joe has sworn me to secrecy... Even Elijah hasn't seen it yet. I guess everyone will have to wait and see it when I post the pictures of how his room looks when it's all finished. Hopefully that won't take another month. :-)
Monday, August 30, 2010
A Letter to Elijah
The journaling reads:
Where do I begin? I have loved you even before I knew who "you" were. I was so happy the day I found out I was pregnant. I prayed for you for months before that (and ever since) and you have certainly been a blessing. I loved feeling you kick inside me and move around. Although it hurt sometimes, I even loved feeling your little foot pushing outward in my side. I won't say it was all wonderful being pregnant with you. You didn't like Mac & Cheese, one of my favorite things to eat before I got pregnant and I gave up eating my favorite thing in the world... An Italian cold cut sub. But you were worth every minute of it. You are the best thing that's happened since I met your daddy. I love watching you grow. I swear, every time I get home from work you've grown more and more. You seem to love to learn new things... studying them with your eyes and grabbing onto things like mommy's hair and Azalea's nose. And of course as soon as you get ahold of it, it goes right into your mouth. You love playing with daddy a lot too, he could make you giggle all day. You two are so much alike, it's scary. As you grow it's hard not to think about what you'll be like when you're older. What things you'll like... who you'll hang out with... what kind of personality you'll have. Sometimes I sit and think about what it will be like when you're a teenager, but I quickly jump back to reality, because you'll be a teenager before I know it. I want to enjoy these moments now before they're gone. I love spending time with you and listening to you "talk" on and on and on. I'm so glad the Lord blessed me with you. He certainly knew what he was doing.
Love, Mommy
I talked to Joe about finding this and he suggested I do one for every year. By default, I missed last year, but from now going forward, I plan on doing one every year. Then when he turns either 18 or 21 I'm going to print them out, put them in a scrapbook and give them to him. If we end up having more children, I hope to do one each year for them also. We'll see how it goes, but I love to journal and write letters, so it should be fairly easy. :-)
BTW, I'm sorry I've been AWOL from the blogging world for a while. With Elijah's room project going on, my sister getting married in Oct and working full time I have barely enough time to breathe. However lots has been developing with his room and I hope to be updating about that very soon. Have a great week, if I don't post again before then.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Transformation of a Bedroom - Part 3 - What Should I Put on the Wall?
A few weeks ago we were all ready to order the carpet at Lowes, so it could be on it's way while we were working on prepping the room. So we go there and established quite quickly that we will not be getting the carpet I wrote about in the last entry. First, I had the wrong measurement for the room. It's actually 10x11, not 9x10. Second, instead of being able to get 10x11 like we needed, we would have to get 10x12 because they come in 12' rolls. So that bumped up the price to about $270. I couldn't bring myself to pay that much money... I just couldn't, not unless I looked at every other option before doing it... And that we did.
We looked at the "in stock" carpet at Lowes. Better prices per square foot, however it was about the same price because they came in 15' rolls. After basically chalking Lowes up as a last resort, we headed to Home Depot the next day. This is why I love Home Depot more than Lowes. There "in stock" carpet comes in 12' rolls and we found carpet we like for $.85 per square foot. It's a little darker than I would have liked... it's more of a sand color than an off-white color, but it still goes with the paint color. His room will just have an "oceany" feel to it. If we end up going with this newly found carpet it will be $181 for carpet and premium padding. We shall see what happens when we go to get it.
Now onto "What Should I Put on the Walls?":

This was my original idea... Hanging his art work on a clothes line with clothes pins. however when I was searching the internet I found all sorts of different ideas stemming from that one.

This is one of the favorite ones that I found. I was going to hang it along one little wall, three tiers high, like this and use the binder clips instead of clothes pins. They will probably look nicer and hold better.

I also like this idea, but it's on a wall with a window, so I feel like it would be too much curtain rod for one wall. However when we move I might do this instead of the clothes line, depending on how the room is laid out.
To go along with that, there will also be a clock that we already have.

I also was thinking about getting him a growth chart. I wanted a big bird one, but there were none to be found, so I googled Sesame Street Growth Chart and up popped this from Wal-mart (my home away from home). We can even personalize it. It's a resonable price, but not cheap, so Elijah might be getting it for his birthday, since we are probably doing a Sesame Street theme for his room.
We're not changing the colors of the room or anything, but while we were at Sesame Place (a post about the trip will be coming soon) we saw these cute posters, however I was cheap and didn't get them. So, instead, I'm gonna see, if I can find some brightly colored alphabet or Sesame Street scrapbook paper and frame it to hang on the wall above the chalkboard.
Right now I'm thinking this sounds like a lot of stuff, so I guess when we start getting everything put in there we'll start with the stuff we already have and go from there. I hope you enjoyed hearing about the planning stage of this project. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be able to start putting things together, so I can update with the progress. Have a great day!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Blues Clues Anyone?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Transformation of a Bedroom - Part 2 - Furniture and Accessories

But anyway, we went to Lowes and Home Depot the other night to look at some things and check out prices. First we looked at paint colors because I was still kind of undecided about the exact color. With the help of that nifty little contraption that let's you see what the color looks like in sunlight and under florencent lighting, we chose Behr's "Winsome Hue".
This color goes great with the carpet we found last night that was only about $2.30 a square foot w/ padding. So to carpet his room it would be about $210. Not too shabby. It's Stainmaster carpet and is an off white/cream color. The two look really nice together. But onto the main reason for this post.... Furniture and accessories... here goes nothing:

We are toying with the idea of putting a ceiling fan in his room. If we do, this is the one we would get. It's from Lowes and is the dirt cheap price of $24. The only thing we would have to worry about is someone to install it. If we don't go that route we'll probably get a floor lamp.

If we do get one this will probably be the one that we'll get. It looks much more fun in person. I also didn't notice it had pink in it, so either I was too distracted at the store or the pink looks red, in person. But what can I say, it's a $19 lamp...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Cards... I forgot
As I've mentioned before, my MIL
loves fat birds, so when I saw this wood stamp at ACMoore I knew I had to get it. It's a simple card, but I love the dark brown (Colorbok - Chestnut) and the light brown of the Kraft paper (from Stampin Up).
I would love to do more of this type of card in the future. I'll have to look through my stamps to see if any do the justice of this one.
This year I ended up making my FIL and Joe the same card. I used the wallet album by Shabby Princess (my all-time favorite digital scrapbooking designer) . It can be a few different things.
It's actual purpose is to hold album pages that fit in the slats on the right side. I took liberties with this though and found that it can either hold a gift card or money, also. I ended up folding up money and putting it in there and writing a greeting on the left side for my FIL.
I ended up doing the album thing for Joe, since I bought him a gift. So I used the version where the left side has an opening for a picture. By the time I had cut out the pieces, assembled them and promptly ran out of adhesive, it was 3am. So I gave Joe his without the picture and the album pages inside. (Maybe I'll show off the album pages in a few days)
The best part about wallet album is that it has a way of being sealed shut. It has a flat and you just apply some velcro with adhesive on the back and you're done.
So all you need to make this card/album is a printer, a pair of scissors, adhesive, glue dots (I used them for the pockets) or glue, velcro and a light colored gel pen to write a sentiment. Easy Peasy.
That's all from me today. I'm out... til next time.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I Will Follow Him...
So after listening to that song and the song "Heatwave" about 900,000 times between listening in my car (while going over the moves in my head) and practicing in the studio, the dance show finally came... and went. It was bitter sweet because we spent hours of hard work to perfect moves and learn how to tap together to get to the show, but after is kind of a let down. I don't get to see my tap buddies for MONTHS when for months I would see them every week or so.
The only thing getting me through is knowing that it starts all over again in September. Yay! So without further ado - Here's the tap number I was in, for all who are interested:
My wonderful husband taped it for me... and sat through the entire dress rehearsal. He's such a trooper. My MIL (Marie) and SILs (Katie and Mandy) all came to the show. For which I appreciate and hope they enjoyed themselves.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Movie Tuesday
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Transformation of a Bedroom - Part 1 - Planning
That being said, we still feel the need to fix things up and change things to make a house, a home. But instead of investing hundreds of dollars on remodeling, we try to do it as cheap as possible. So comes the next series of blog postings... We are going to re-do Elijah's bedroom.
We are painting this room in Behr Disney color "Blue Balloon",

Even though they did a wonderful job installing it, we decided since his room is square, that we would buy the padding and carpeting and do it ourselves... to save a bit of dough. The carpet is probably going to be a light beige color, but I'm not sure. Right now, money is more important than color... to a point. If it's not exactly light beige, I could deal, as long as it looks good with the walls.
Of course things could change, cause this -is- just the planning portion. I will update as things go along. Also, make sure to stay tuned for the next installment: Furniture and Accessories.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Charlotte is 2...
This is, what I decided was, the finished card:

I sketched a backwards 2 on some colored cardstock from StampinUp (this is probably the only time in my life I wished I had a cricut, cause it would have been TONS faster) and surprisingly it doesn't look like a 5-year-old did it. I cut it out as neatly as possible and glued it straight onto the card... to hide the evidence. Then I applied the puffy flower stickers and the giraffe by Crayola. You can't tell by the pic, but the eyes on the giraffe move. Originally that was the whole card. I was going to write "Happy Birthday Charlotte" underneath, but it didn't look right, so I looked through my stuff and found this yellow, metal clip thing by Making Memories.
Even with that addition, it still didn't look done, so I rummaged around a little more, found my mat pack from StampinUp (it's a paper piercer and stitching template together) and white gel pen. Added faux stitching to the outside and it finally looked complete.
Friday, May 28, 2010
More Cards
This is the box I made (using a template) for my BIL Kevin. I was stupid and didn't stamp on the top lid until after it was already glued together, so I had to cut an additional piece of paper and stamp on that. I used my blender pen to color in the stars and it was finished. My sister graduated from college last Saturday, so I made her this card. Personally, I don't like it, but she did and I guess that's all that matters. I couldn't find black cardstock, so I bought a pack of black cards and cut it out. The tassle and bling alpha I got at ACMoore.
Until next time...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mother's Day Cards
Elijah also did something for me. He drew me a picture and explained it to me...
Unfortunately, I don't speak "2-year-old", so what it is, is still a mystery to me. All I know is he said "monie" (which is me) while he was explaining it, so maybe one of those blobs is me... I dunno, but I watched him do it and he picked the colors he wanted to use, very carefully, so I know he was making sure I liked it, which I do. I love it.
Now, onto what I made my mom and mother-in-law. I was apparently feeling the 'hanging" type cards this year, so that's what I made. This card is for my mother-in-law. She likes fat birds, so I try to find different ones to put on her cards. The card stock is Stampin Up. I have no idea what the bird stamp is. I thought I could just look on the card entry from last Mother's Day and find it, but I didn't say what it was. The silver string stuff I found in ACMoore in the ribbon section. The purple ribbon at the top I bought in the dollar section of Target. I colored the bird with purple Colorbox Chalk Ink and a blender pen. Cut the hole with my circle cutter and put a "transparency" behind it. I actually didn't have to buy a whole box of transparencies. They sell clear sheets of paper in ACMoore in the loose paper section. And I think that's it.
This is the card I made my mom. It's from this entry: Dawn's Purse Gift Card Holder
Originally I went through like the video said, but apparently the top part was bigger than it was suppose to be, because I don't have the die, so I got a bracket shape online and sized it to the size I looked up online that it was suppose to be. Well, I'm guessing the measurements were wrong, but anyway, after my not-so-mini crisis (because I was making this at like 2pm on Mother's Day). I came up with a plan, with my sister's help. I had already shaped the bottom, so I took the demensions of the top of it and resized my bracket to fit. It worked! Thankfully. The rest was super easy and took me about 15 minutes to do.
I used the same Stampin Up paper as my bottom for the card. The top is a random sheet of loose paper from ACMoore. The ribbon, again, was from the Target dollar section. I used my crop-a-dile to punch the holes for the ribbon. Little, sticky back, velcro squares to hold it together and a cute big button to make it look like that's what's holding it together. The bag inside is just a cut up sammich bag.
Slip the gift card in and you're all done. The only thing I will do differently when I make another one, is get thicker card stock for the bracket part, so it won't feel like I'm going to rip the paper when I try to open it.
That's all for now. One of these days I'll upload a new video, since Elijah is talking up a storm now. Til next time...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Laminated List
My sister-in-law, Mandy, and her friends expanded on the list to not only include the top five, but also additional categories. You can find the list and rules at her blog. So without further ado I present my laminated list.
1. Zachary Quinto

You might have seen him on: Heroes and Star Trek
2. Dominic Monaghan

You might have seen him on: LOST and Flash Forward
3. Shia LaBeouf

You might have seen him on: Transformers
4. Joshua Jackson

You might have seen him on: Fringe
5. Johnny Depp

You might have seen him on: Pirate of the Caribbean
The Special Categories:
Barely Legal - Zac Efron

You might have seen him on: High School Musical, Hairspray and 17 Again
Older Men - Cal Ripken Jr.

Played for the Baltimore Orioles
Bad Boy - Joel Madden

A member of the band "Good Charlotte"
Good Guy - Matt Damon

You might have seen him on: Oceans 11 and Saving Private Ryan
Token Ethnic Guy - Will Smith

You might have seen him on: Fresh Prince of Belair, Independence Day and Men In Black
Nerd - Joseph Gordon-Levitt

You might have seen him on: 3rd Rock from the Sun, GI Joe and 500 Days of Summer
Goofball - Adam Sandler

You might have seen him on: The Waterboy, Happy Gilmore and The Wedding Singer
Athlete - Matt Stover

Played for the Baltimore Ravens (I refuse to acknowledge that he plays for another team)
Musician - Brad Paisley

Country music superstar
No one else gets it - Noah Wyle

You might have seen him on: ER
First Love - Joey McIntire

Singing Voice - Christian Bale

You might have seen him on: Newsies(haha), American Psycho, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight
Speaking Voice - Charles Shaughnessy

You might have seen him on: The Nanny
Fictional Character - Laurie from Little Women

Action Hero - Sam Witwicky from Transformers

Tough Guy - Tobey Maguire

You might have seen him on: Spider-Man
Tortured Soul - Milo Ventimiglia

You might have seen him on: Heroes
Brainiac - Charlie Eppes

You might have seen him on: Numb3ers
But his face - Josh Holloway

You might have seen him on: LOST
Chubby Hubby - Greg Grunberg

You might have seen him on: Heroes
Scruffy - Jake Gyllenhaal

You might have seen him on: Donnie Darko and The Day After Tomorrow
Gay - Elijah Wood

You might have seen him on: Lord of the Rings
Dapper Dan - No clue
Villain - Sylar from Heroes

I hope you enjoyed. If you do or did your own, please post a link, so I can take a look. :-) Until next time...