As it turns out, I wasn't the only one who made a resolution... Joe made one too. His, well our, resolution is to not eat out at all this year. That includes delivery and pickup. If it doesn't come from a grocery store, we don't eat it. Now there are exceptions to the rule. If we have a gift card, it doesn't count. If someone else pays, it doesn't count. And if it's a birthday or special event (ie our anniversary) it doesn't count. Before I tell you how wonderfully we are doing, I must say this is one of the hardest resolutions ever, for me. After working all day it's so easy to just pull up to McDonalds or order some Chinese to be delivered. No cooking and no dishes to clean, sounds like a dream... With a big price tag.
But anyway, even though it's hard things have been going well. Joe even made something new a week or so ago. He made his dad's chili... a double batch, so we could freeze it and it would be an easy dinner later on. And because I know how we are with "What's in the freezer? I don't know. Let's just order something", I made this list on the white board on our fridge:

So at a glance you can see everything that is available for cooking.
And last, but not least, it looks as though Elijah has made a resolution also. He has tried more new foods this month than he probably has, before, in his entire life. Ok, maybe not that many... but what is more amazing is that after he tries them, he eats the whole thing that was given to him. He has had fish, meatballs, triscuits and pretzel sticks to name a few. Last night he even ate pizza. Actually, there was -one- thing that he tried and ended up throwing on the floor, it was peas. I totally don't blame him for this, I hate peas also, so I think I'll give him a pass on that one. Hopefully he'll continue to try new things and make meal time a whole lot easier.
That's about it, a few resolutions and some progress on each. We shall see what the rest of the year brings and maybe at the end of the year I'll post an entry saying how they all went... If I remember.
Good resolutions all the way around! Before you know it Elijah will be eating everything in sight! Except peas of course!
I'll be praying for your "no eating out" resolution. That's definitely a huge undertaking. One day at a time I guess, but if you find it getting too tough you could always switch to a monthly resolution. I, personally, would have to do it that way ~ no eating out for January...check; no eating out for February...check; etc. I hope you are all successful!
I'm sure Azalea appreciates your resolution too!!
I made a similar resolution to make meals instead of buying (although I didn't go so far as to say no eating out) and we've done pretty well so far. Sounds like you guys are doing phenomenally though!! And Elijah is really stepping out with the food, which is awesome. All of you should keep up the good work!
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